Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted!

I voted!! It's so exciting, this time in my life. Like I have a say so in this world, higher up then Because I said so's to my kids. Hubby voted for the first time ever. He is so excited. He's so worried he'll be called for jury duty now. haha. I WANT to be called. I know I guess that means I'm coo-coo. I've been a registered voter since 2000, and have never been called to jury duty, and watch, my hubby has been a registered voter since last month and he'll get called! LOL Thats my luck tho. Anywho, how wonderful of a world we live in where everyone gets to vote freely, a black man is running for president and a woman is up for VP! Crazy huh!? I know many older ppl who have said, they'd NEVER live to see one of those, and now in this AMAZING world they get to see ALL!! And ppl complain and say they'll move if "so and so" make it to the white house. *Rolls eyes* They don't know how lucky we all are! BUT thats a whole other blog! LOL!!

HAPPY VOTING! There are only 4 hours left in the entire USA to vote!

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