Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Cutest Little Family You'll Ever See!!

The S' Family Halloween

Me as the kitty, hubby as the faerie (haha!), Caitlyn as a beautiful yellow flower and yes, as it fits Blake perfect, a MONSTER! or as he puts it, COOKIE monster! lol
They both did great! Caitlyn loved walking around on her own saying trick or treat and Blake went house to house for a good 30 minutes and KONKED out!! We went to a HUGE neighborhood in our area, and we only were out 1 hour and they still made out like bandits. Lots of ppl were handing out suckers, so we are good on those til next year lol.
Hubby & I had our 2nd annual Halloween bash. It was a blast as usual!!
More ppl came this time. We had 5 couples plus a neighbor who's wife couldn't attend. But it was GREAT!! A night of dancing, hot wings, alcohol and NO KIDS!
We don't get that so much anymore. Comes with being a mom tho. hehe.

1 comment:

RogueComment said...

Wh do women fell the need to slut out on halloween? Don't tell me it's just a kitty costume either. Cat's don't wear bow-ties. You are wearing a playboy bunny outfit with mascara for whiskers.

EVERY woman wants to be desired. No matter how goody two shoes they are every day, when the sun goes down, they want to return the favor. Halloween is the sexiest holiday of the year by far.

I have gotten more ass on halloween, from strangers, than any other holiday, including my own birthday. There is something about it that allows the inhibitions to be lowered. It's like being drunk. The true feelings come out temporarily. I see wanna be hot moms in bunny outfits, closeted men in fairy costumes, short guys dressing tall, fat girls in tight clothes..no I was thinkign of Wal-Mart just then. Anyway you get the idea, it truly is a devils night. The wanton, sex crazed, animal wants to escape for at least one night a year. It's good, because if it doenst come out at least once a year, it may come out in other forms when you find yourself leering at the grocery stocker aor more likely your hubby puts on that fairy costume and drives downtown to that one bar, the one he always makes fun of when you drive by.