Monday, November 17, 2008

Drunk Drivers!

So I was driving home from walmart. It was late. When A car came around the curve SO fast! I couldn't tell if they were in my lane or theirs....well they were in mine, I hit my brakes to slow down a bit, and they went from my lane to going off the road next to my car, hitting the ditch. Flipping 2-3 times and hitting a tree.
When I think of drunk driving, My mind turns right to teenagers. But these were three grown men!! I was angry as soon as I got to their car. I pulled over and so did the lady behind me.

By the time I got to their car she was already on the phone with 911 and she handed me her phone. She went to the car to make sure everyone was okay.

It was so scary looking. No glass left in the car at all. The front end was Smashed. The driver (drunk) was knocked out, the guy in the back was trying to wake the driver up and he had a gash on his forehead with blood all over his face. The passenger had opened is door and flopped to the ground, eventually fleeting the scene.
The driver finally woke up then started dry heaving. When all the police, ambulance and firetrucks arrived the two men declined any medical attention! They were so stupid!
I stayed to make my statement and left. Oh course I was shaking! I started thinking, what if they would have hit me. Would it have killed me? Would me leaving the house been my last time ever seeing my two kids and my hubby?

Then, what if my kids were in the car??? What if I had died and they lived and they were by them selves in the car until someone arrived. What if they had died and I would have lived. What a horrible life I would have lived.

All those thoughts running thru my head!

Then I thanked God for not allowing ANY of things to happen!

Just scary!
why do ppl drink and drive???


M&M said...

omg im so glad u are safe.Believe me im sick of them to.they are the ones fighting Edward at the jail.I Love You and thank god you are all right.

Poirier Family said...

Wow what a story. I'm glad to hear you are ok. It's scary to think what could have happened. Thank God your all safe!!