Thursday, January 29, 2009

School or no school

Let me start off with a HUGE, HEAVY siiiiigh!
arg. We have to take our 3yr old out of his pre K.
1. we can't afford it. Well we can, but we are trying to move and this extra $250/month would help a lot with extras.
2. I'm not a fan of the "principal" lady. I haven't been since the beginning.
3.This isn't WHY we have to but its a point. They are there until 12:30pm but I have been told by his teacher that after 10:30 they don't do educational things. They play outside, sing songs, arts & crafts. those sort of things.
I could def. teach him things at home. There is a school box store in town and I could go to good ol' walley world and get him "school books".
I just feel like a quitter. Like Im MAKING him quit.
He LOVES school! Which is a complete turn around from the first two weeks he started. I'd cry every morning on my way home b/c he was SCREAMING for me to come back and get him. They had to call me one day b/c he was histerical.
But school starts back in Aug. and he'll be attending a different school.
In Ga. The lottery system pays for a certain number of children to attend preschool (the one before kindergarten) and I signed Blake up MONTHS ago. He was around #50 on an acceptance list of 100 4 years old.
So he'll be going to a Ga funded preschool (just like a public school) I think its only a small fee a month.
So February will be no more school for my Blakie-Blake. *cries*


Jessica Repak said...

Aww I hope it all works out.. I am sure he will be okay not going to school for a little while. Keep us updated. I do read just never comment <3

Anonymous said...

Don't feel like a quitter, if you have doubts about the school then stick with your gut. You know best. Hopefully next year will be a better year for him :)

Anonymous said...

Awww.. It'll work out! We took Jason out of preschool as well because we moved back to Minnesota. I felt awful about it and even more when we couldn't get him into any of the schools because of the waiting list. I just made sure that I made it fun and educational for him while he's at home with me. He's learning, which is great, but the only downside of it is that he doesn't like to listen to me as much and gets very side tracked whereas when he was in class with his teacher and assist. he would listen and would learn more.... he was very much more interested. He is looking forward to school this August so that's good news! He's ready to leave me.. lol! I just hope he's not too far behind from the other students whom were in preschool. :(

Anonymous said...

oh and by the way.. I don't blog on blogger anymore. I can't even remember my log in information. :(

Anonymous said...

its ok... blue shirt boy cant bother him now!! :)

Shelly said...

You can totally teach him yourself - you can do it! When I was home, it helped to set aside a certain time every night to get stuff ready for the next day - find things on the internet, print out, cut, etc... You have to think of it like a job - you are the preschool teacher now, and see how creative you can be. Let me know when you want to do a guest post on The Happy Toddler !

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well-good luck!