Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bad Luck...? Do you believe?

I've never been one for bad luck and superstitions. I'll walk under ladders, break mirrors and my fave cat ever was my black cat Spooky!! But man oh man! Not sure about that now. haha. My cars transmission went out on it Thanksgiving day (incidently the same day I got in my first physical fight with someone) then my hubbys grandparents allowed me to drive their extra car ( a 1984 honda) *shudders* then the battery died about 3 days later. My hubby got his F350 working for me to drive while he's on the road driving the rig, and it worked fine for 3 days, then today at walmart it dies and won't work for me. I called Hubby's Grandpa and he came to get me, and followed me home. (not with out any further complications of course) He got the 1984 honda working *shudders again* he said to take that again. So I leave in IT to pick up my son from school and made it until I dto slow down to turn in to my neighborhood.....guess what? The Honda dies. *sigh* Grandpa-in-law comes to get it and take us all home. He calls me back and tells me its turned time ( or something like that) I asked him what that meant, and he said its Gone. Won't ever crank agian. Leave it to me and my.... Bad. Luck.
May you RIP 1984 Honda


Jessica Repak said...

Oh my, sorry all that is happening!!! I don't think it's bad luck, maybe it's just the cars lol... Hope things turn out better for ya!

M&M said...

haha i passed the car curse to you 2. cars stopped working on me in one month lol.member ours blew up on me and then his dads battery kept cutting off on me lol.

Unknown said...

I don't know if to call it bad luck..I see it more of a black raincloud going over you right now..i know I have a huge one right now. Hope everything turns up :)

Anonymous said...

welcome to my life!!