It's embarassing.
I haven't told anyone, tho now they will all know.
but I remember my teeny bopper obsession to JTT
I haven't told anyone, tho now they will all know.
but I remember my teeny bopper obsession to JTT
But I have a new one. I am in love with the Twilight Saga. Everyone who reads it is, young or old. I dreamed of Edward ALL the time, even Jacob. Nothing Naughty. haha. Just I'd dream about the part in the book I was in. Well then I saw the Twilight movie, and I wasn't a big fan of Robert Pattinson (The man who plays Edward) I thought he wasn't good enough to be "Edward" But the more I read about Rob P. The more I like him and I think he makes a GREAT Edward now. I've been watching interviews on the guy, and reading about him. See! I have a problem!
Now I have a NEW obsession!! I THINK about this guy Ive never met. I THINK about meeting him. I THINK I need to get out more. LMBO!!!
He is just PURE hotness in this picture!! *sigh*